Non ho ancora finito di pagare le tasse, che vedo già incombere l’acconto per il prossimo anno. Bisognerebbe pagarle ogni 4 anni, quando i sono le olimpiadi. Recupero cassa cedendo Progenics (PGNX) che, da quando sono entrate nel portafoglio in ottica binaria, hanno reso circa 1000 dollari. Mi basta.

Rimango intrigato dall’anti PSMA in fase di sviluppo, ma non ho tempo ne voglia di dedicarmi a Relistor ed alle sue vicissitudini con gli esperti chiamati da FDA e con il giudizio dell’agenzia.

Mi accontento.

Per chi è interessato, dall’ultima trimestrale:

TARRYTOWN, N.Y., Aug. 9, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq:PGNX) today announced its results of operations for the quarter and six months ended June 30, 2013.

Net loss for the quarter was $12.3 million or $0.24 diluted per share, compared to net loss of $10.7 million or $0.32 diluted per share in the 2012 period. Net loss for the current six months was $23.5 million or $0.46 diluted per share, compared to $23.8 million or $0.70 diluted per share in 2012. Progenics ended the quarter with cash, cash equivalents and securities of $81.4 million, reflecting an increase of $23.0 million in the quarter and$19.4 million from 2012 year-end.

Second quarter revenue totaled $1.8 million, level with the 2012 period. Current and prior year first half revenues were both $4.0 million. Royalty income for the 2013 second quarter was $1.2 million compared to $1.6 million in the 2012 period, based on Relistor® net sales (in millions) reported to Progenics by Salix of:

Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
June 30, March 31, June 30,
2013 2012 2013 2013 2012
U.S. $6.7 $10.0 $6.7 $13.4 $21.3
Ex-U.S. 1.2 0.8 1.0 2.2 1.8
Global $7.9 $10.8 $7.7 $15.6 $23.1

Second quarter research and development expense increased by $2.1 million compared to the prior year period, primarily due to higher clinical trial expenses for PSMA ADC and MIP-1404 acquired earlier this year in the Molecular Insight transaction and one-time real estate lease termination expenses, partially offset by lower compensation expense. Year-to-date research and development expense decreased by $0.1 million to $19.3 million. Second quarter general and administrative expense decreased by $0.6 million compared to the prior year period, primarily due to lower compensation expense, partially offset by higher consulting and professional fees. Year-to-date general and administrative expenses were level with the prior year period at $7.7 million.


Come nota di colore conclusiva, vedere Progenics citare Edison e Brunelleschi nelle slides della conferenza mi ha fatto ridacchiare. Motivo in più per vendere!